Identification Notes
Life CyclePerennials |
MorphologyCulm: Erect or decumbent, the nodes brownish black. Leaves: Blade linear-lanceolate; sheath glabrous; ligule membranous, truncate. Inflorescence: Open panicle, terminal and axillary, branched, erect; spikelets lanceolate - oblong; glabrous, white to purplish in color. Fruit: Sterile. |
Growing seasonRabi and Kharif |
Germination periodJanuary to December |
Flowering periodMarch to October |
PropagationBy rhizome |
HabitatFound in the fields of Mustard, wheat, pulses, aus rice, jute and transplant aman rice. Also found in the levee of crop fields and irrigation channel, fallow lands and bank of ponds. |
Weed potentialWith its aggressively spreading rhizomes that can grow for several metres, this is a useful species for binding coastal sands, lake shores and 20 - 30° steep pond slopes. It is a useful species for reclaiming saline soils. |
Control measureManual weeding and/or Chemical weed control |
Recommended herbicidePendimethalin, Oxadiargyl, and Acetachlor + bensulfuranmethyl |
DistributionTropics and subtropics of both hemispheres |
Medicinal propertiesNone known |
References- |