Department of Agronomy

Bangladesh Agricultural University


Common Name: Swamp Rice Grass
Scientific Name: Leersia hexandra Swartz
Family Name: Gramineae
Type: Grass

Identification Notes

Leersia hexandra Photo 1
Leersia hexandra Photo 1
Leersia hexandra Photo 2
Leersia hexandra Photo 3
Life Cycle
Culm – decumbent at the base, rooting at the lower nodes, nodes swollen and curved with short hairs. Leaves – blades narrowly linear, flat, rolled when dry, ligule membranous, the margins extending into sheath margins. Inflorescence – a panicle, spikelets 1-flowered, oblong, strongly compressed laterally, hispidulous, sometimes glabrous.
Growing season
Rabi and Kharif (January to December)
Germination period
January to December
Flowering period
May to October
By seed and by vegetative means.
Prefer moist condition. Found in the aus rice, jute and other low land crops.
Weed potential
Leersia hexandra is a major rice weed in Madagascar, the Philippines, and Sarawak and a major weed in Guyana and Brazil. It is one of the aquatic weed flora of flooded rice in South-East Asia. It can be found in Cambodia, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Nigeria, Suriname, and Thailand as a weed of flooded or irrigated rice. It's a major tea weed in Indonesia. According to reports, it has also been shown to be a weed of sugarcane in Australia, the Philippines, and Tanzania, as well as maize in Indonesia.
Control measure
Manual weeding, Chemical weed control or Integrated Weed Management
Recommended herbicide
Pendimethalin, Oxadiargyl, and Acetachlor + bensulfuranmethyl
South and Southeast Asia
Medicinal properties
Leersia hexandra is used to treat hypertension.
