Identification Notes
Life CyclePerennial |
MorphologyCulm – decumbent at the base, rooting at the lower nodes, nodes swollen and curved with short hairs. Leaves – blades narrowly linear, flat, rolled when dry, ligule membranous, the margins extending into sheath margins. Inflorescence – a panicle, spikelets 1-flowered, oblong, strongly compressed laterally, hispidulous, sometimes glabrous. |
Growing seasonRabi and Kharif (January to December) |
Germination periodJanuary to December |
Flowering periodMay to October |
PropagationBy seed and by vegetative means. |
HabitatPrefer moist condition. Found in the aus rice, jute and other low land crops. |
Weed potentialLeersia hexandra is a major rice weed in Madagascar, the Philippines, and Sarawak and a major weed in Guyana and Brazil. It is one of the aquatic weed flora of flooded rice in South-East Asia. It can be found in Cambodia, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Nigeria, Suriname, and Thailand as a weed of flooded or irrigated rice. It's a major tea weed in Indonesia. According to reports, it has also been shown to be a weed of sugarcane in Australia, the Philippines, and Tanzania, as well as maize in Indonesia. |
Control measureManual weeding, Chemical weed control or Integrated Weed Management |
Recommended herbicidePendimethalin, Oxadiargyl, and Acetachlor + bensulfuranmethyl |
DistributionSouth and Southeast Asia |
Medicinal propertiesLeersia hexandra is used to treat hypertension. |
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