Department of Agronomy

Bangladesh Agricultural University


Common Name: Lamb's Quarters
Scientific Name: Chenopodium album L.
Family Name: Chenopodiaceae
Type: Broad leaf

Identification Notes

Chenopodium album Photo 1
Chenopodium album Photo 1
Chenopodium album Photo 2
Chenopodium album Photo 3
Chenopodium album Photo 4
Life Cycle
Stem – erect, much branched, glabrous, grooved. Leaves – simple, entire, rhombic, ovate to lanceolate, extremely variable, white green below and dark green above. Inflorescence – spikes, clusters in compact. Fruit - a utricle Seed – black, shiny.
Growing season
January - December [Rabi & Kharif]
Germination period
November to March
Flowering period
December to May
By Seed
Found in the fields of almost all rabi crops. Also found in aus rice, mixed aus-broadcast aman rice and jute. Even it is found in the levee of crop fields, and irrigation channel.
Weed potential
It is one of the more robust and competitive weeds, capable of producing crop losses of up to 13% in corn, 25% in soybeans, and 48% in sugar beets at an average plant distribution.
Control measure
Cultural, Biological (Ascochyta caulina) and Chemical
Recommended herbicide
Widely distributed throughout Mongolia with occasionally high populations in frequently cultivated cereals and vegetables
Medicinal properties
The plant has been traditionally used as a bloodpurifier, diuretic, sedative, hepatoprotective, antiscorbutic laxative and as an anthelmentic against round and hookworms. Pharmacological studies have revealed that the plant possesses anthelmentic, sperm immobilizing and contraceptive properties (Poonia and Upadhayay 2015)

[1] Poonia, A., Upadhayay, A. Chenopodium album Linn: review of nutritive value and biological properties. J Food Sci Technol 52, 3977–3985 (2015).