Department of Agronomy

Bangladesh Agricultural University


Common Name: Lettuce-Leaf Blumea
Scientific Name: Blumea lacera (Burm.f.) DC.
Family Name: Compositae
Type: Broad Leaf

Identification Notes

Blumea lacera Photo 1
Blumea lacera Photo 1
Blumea lacera Photo 2
Blumea lacera Photo 3
Blumea lacera Photo 4
Life Cycle
Stem: Soft, erect, pubescent, branched, very leafy. Leaves: Simple, petioled, alternate, irregularly dentate. Inflorescence: heads, in axillary cymes, yellowish, rarely purple. Fruit: Achene. Seed: Small, black in color.
Growing season
Rabi and Kharif
Germination period
January - December
Flowering period
January - December
By Seed
Prefer dry condition of soil. Mainly found in the homestead areas, roadsides, bank of ponds, levee of crop fields and in rabi crops near homesteads.
Weed potential
Control measure
Recommended herbicide
Tropical & Subtropical Asia to SW. Pacific.
Medicinal properties
It is use as bitter, acrid, astringent, thermogenic, errhine, styptic, anti-inflammatory, digestive, ophthalmic, liver tonic, anthelmintic, febrifuge, expectorant, diuretic, antipyretic, stimulant, and deobstruent [Mishra et al. 2015]. The methanolic leaf extract of B. lacera has been reported to reveal to have antifungal, antibacterial, cytotoxic, antipyretic, antiviral, antileukemic, and antidiarrheal activities [Satyal et al. 2015].

[1] Mishra P., Irchhiaya R., Mishra S. K. Phytochemical investigation and spectral studies of isolated flavonoid from ethanolic extract of whole plant Blumea lacera DC. Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry . 2015;4

[2] Satyal P., Chhetri B. K., Dosoky N. S., Shrestha S., Poudel A., Setzer W. N. Chemical composition of Blumea lacera essential oil from Nepal. biological activities of the essential oil and (Z)-lachnophyllum ester. Natural Product Communications . 2015;10 doi: 10.1177/1934578X1501001028